Monday, February 15, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: LaFayette Physical Therapy
February 11, 2010 706-638-5983


LaFayette, Georgia, February 11, 2010 — Just 6 weeks into the new year, a growing number of Medicare beneficiaries—especially those in LaFayette, Georgia—are nearing their yearly financial limit (also known as therapy caps) on outpatient rehabilitation services provided by physical therapists and other health care providers, says local physical therapist Dr. LaTefa Terry, PT, DPT.
Imposed by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, the therapy caps end Medicare's coverage of outpatient physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology services (hospital outpatient departments are exempt) billed under Medicare Part B once a beneficiary has received $1,860 of services in a calendar year. Congress has responded 6 times in the past to prevent Medicare beneficiaries from being negatively impacted by the therapy cap policy by delaying the enforcement of the caps and implementing an exceptions process that allowed services above the financial cap based on diagnosis, clinician evaluation, and judgment. However, the exceptions process expired December 31, 2009.
"With Medicare beneficiaries approaching the $1,860 cap, we need Congress to act now to ensure coverage for necessary services," said Dr. LaTefa Terry. "Senior citizens and people with disabilities who have chronic conditions or multiple comorbidities, or who experience stroke or hip fracture, may soon be negatively affected by the therapy caps."
While both the House and Senate versions of health care reform legislation addressed the therapy cap by extending the exceptions process temporarily, failure to enact reform has put beneficiaries who require rehabilitation after an illness or injury at considerable risk.
Dr. LaTefa Terry, PT, DPT practices at LaFayette Physical Therapy. The facility provides physical therapy services for patients with Neurologic, Orthopedic, Balance/ Gait Impairments,
Arthritic pain and many others.

What You Can Do
v Call your Members of Congress TODAY. To reach your Member of Congress, contact the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Ask the operator to direct you to your Member of Congress.
v Send an email, fax or letter to your Member of Congress TODAY.

Honorable Nathan Deal Honorable Saxby Chambliss Honorable Johnny Isakson
U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Senate U.S. Senate
2133 Rayburn House Off. Bldg. 416 Russell Senate Off. Bldg. 416 Russell Senate Off.Bldg
Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20515-1005 Washington, D.C.20510-1006

For sample letters, please contact LaFayette Physical Therapy, 120 West Villanow St.,
LaFayette, GA 30728 by email at (subject: Medicare cap)
or by phone at 706-638-5983.